oin Coach Patrick from Marathon Nation for some guidance on how to get up to speed in a new town. You’ll need a new store, a new running group and much more…but how to find them without stalking every runner that you see?
oin Coach Patrick from Marathon Nation for some guidance on how to get up to speed in a new town. You’ll need a new store, a new running group and much more…but how to find them without stalking every runner that you see?
Join Coach Patrick from Marathon Nation for a discussion on how to prepare for the end of the marathon. It has been said that the marathon is “twenty miles of hope and six miles of reality”…so how to deal with it?
Join Coach Patrick from Marathon Nation (www.marathonnation.us) for a discussion on how to pick the best possible first marathon.
Join Coach Patrick from Marathon Nation (www.marathonnation.us) for a quick review of how to properly get dressed for running in the cold!
Join Coach Patrick from Marathon Nation (www.marathonnation.us) for a review of how to best get ready to do your run workout on the treadmill. Eliminate treadmill workout shock and improve your ability to do workouts better than before!
I just ran my first full marathon at age 42. I’ve been running consistently for about 8+ years. I’ve trained religiously and done many half marathons and many 18-22 mile long runs in the past while training without ever cramping in my calves or quads, or anywhere for that matter.
Please be so kind and let me tell how to organize my marathon training. I am 59 years old. My normal marathon time is 4:00 hrs. I have paid too much attention to mileage and am suffering from overtraining.
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