Archive | Long Run

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The Marathon Secret: Your Skill Run, aka It’s Not All Endurance

18 August

Running is one thing, but to do it well is something else and to sustain it for 26.2 miles is another story altogether. Poor running form can lead to injury, additional stress on your body, and reduce your ability to use your fitness over time. You must develop–and maintain–good running form if you are going […]

Marathon Speed Work That Works

29 March

The marathon is perhaps the most readily accessible human-powered challenge in all endurance sports. Successfully completing a 26.2 mile event is both a physical and mental accomplishment. Race day is, however, the result of months of training and hard work in preparation for a single attempt at the distance. As the miles and time spent […]

Re-Thinking The Long Run

14 March

After months of training and focus, and race day is getting closer seemingly by the minute. You’ve put in countless miles and have one last hurdle to clear before you can tackle the marathon: the long run. For many marathoners, the long run is a physical and mental test to make sure they are on […]