Join Coach Patrick from Marathon Nation ( for another weekly running podcast. This week Coach P discusses the concept of Negative Splitting, including: – A definition of negative splitting. – Long run negative split vs other types of runs. – Finishing strong as a habit – Psychological benefits of Negative Splitting in training and racing […]
Tag Archives: half marathon
MN Episode 14: Heart Rate, Quality Training and Boston
Join Coach Patrick from Marathon Nation ( for another weekly running podcast. This week Coach P turns to the newsletter questionnaire for topics from our readers like you! Topics covered include: – Quality Training, and how to add it into your run program. – Heart Rate Training, how to get used to it. – Boston Training, […]
MN Podcast – Episode 11: Running – A Love Letter

Join Coach Patrick from Marathon Nation ( for another weekly running podcast. This week Coach P gets all sentimental and talks about the effect of running on his life. If you really love running…tell someone about it. Share a picture, write a note, recruit a new running partner. If you love it, set it free! […]
MN Podcast – #9 – Interview with Stryd Running Powermeter

Join Coach Patrick from Marathon Nation ( for another weekly running podcast. This week Coach P interviews Adam Heaney from Stryd ( ) about their Run Power Meter and how it’s changing the game of running. We work from intro to details pretty quickly (when Adam starts talking!) and there’s a great deal to learn. The full podcast is […]
New Runner In Town Needs A Store, Group & More

oin Coach Patrick from Marathon Nation for some guidance on how to get up to speed in a new town. You’ll need a new store, a new running group and much more…but how to find them without stalking every runner that you see?
Top Three Winter Running Secrets To Emerge From the Winter Ready to Race
Winter training isn’t fun or easy. Everyone needs to run in the snow at least once a year, after that the fun and excitement diminish in favor of worry about falling and concern for missed workouts. But the winter is also a great time for a running re-birth, a chance to leave the hectic race […]
Re-Thinking the Marathon Running Schedule: A Pace Based Approach
Not all marathon running schedules are created equal, and your training might be suffering because of it. This isn’t the case for everyone, but it’s especially true if you run slower than 9-minute miles during your long runs. Here’s how you can adapt your training plan.
How To Pick The Best Marathon For You
The challenge of running and racing a marathon is a singular pursuit. Before you even start, you know that you’ll have highs and lows, obstacles to overcome, and inevitable suffering — followed by euphoria — on race day. With all of this ahead of you, it makes sense to pick the right marathon. No 26.2 […]
How to Run Through the Holiday Hiccups
The end of December is a fantastic time to be a runner…unless you are actually training for something! If you’re like me — and many others — the thought of hitting the road and spending hours each day playing board games sitting parked next to too much yummy food is enough to make you request […]
How To Plan A Breakthrough Season of Running
With the New Year approaching the season of giddy goal setting is almost upon us. You know, that short window at the end of the year when everyone makes snap resolutions about health, fitness, work, family, diet. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of these promises fail long before we remember to cancel that gym membership…but it […]
Breakthrough Running: A Seasonal Roadmap for Success
As we head into the Fall running season, runners everywhere start activating with a focus on a key race. The renewed sense of purpose brings questions about their training, undoubtedly encouraged by the recent launch of our pace-based running training schedules.
The Lost Art of The Easy Run
Despite the fact that I do so much of my training on my own, I really think running is a social enterprise. Sure, I try to say HI to everyone I run past (unless I have snot all over my face or the sight of me is apparently terrifying you!), but that’s not the same.
Operation Motivation 2012 Part 2: Digital Inspiration
Operation Motivation 2012 (AKA No More Bad Run Days): Part 1 of 3
No, we run because it’s an amazing gift but also because it’s not always a given. The highs and lows are part of the territory; how you handle them is what defines you as a runner.
Six Ways to Beat The Wall In Your Next Marathon
The Wall is defined as that period in a marathon when things transition from being pretty hard to being really, really hard. It is the point where your body and mind are simultaneously tested. It’s the perfect intersection of fatigue and diminished mental faculties. Or as you most likely remember it, it’s the exact point […]
Weekly Race Results through April 9, 2012
Weekly Results from the Marathon Nation Community Marathon Nation is a community of runners targeting the marathon distance. From total beginners just getting off the couch to bucket-listers checking off a huge “to-do” item all the way up to Boston Qualifiers…all are welcome! You can explore the community and create a FREE 7-Day […]