The Wall is defined as that period in a marathon when things transition from being pretty hard to being really, really hard. It is the point where your body and mind are simultaneously tested. It’s the perfect intersection of fatigue and diminished mental faculties. Or as you most likely remember it, it’s the exact point […]
Tag Archives: marathon strategy
Boston Marathon Pacing Sheet (Free Download)
With the Boston Marathon mere days away, there are few things left to remember (including the sneakers above!). As you get ready to face the journey from Hopkinton to downtown Boston, you have undoubtedly spent time planning out how you will pace your day.
Marathon Success and the Race Rehearsal Workout
As exciting as marathon race day can be, it doesn’t have to be such a giant roll of the dice. After all you’re not just hoping for a PR, you want to run the whole race. While every marathon runner starts with high hopes on race day, not everyone is able to realize their goals. […]
Why We Don’t Plan a Fast Marathon Finish
Another great question about marathon pacing! When I first wrote the pacing guidance for the marathon and half marathon distance into spreadsheets, I was very tempted to do just as you say. Over the last few years of coaching marathon runners, I have learned over time, both personally and in coaching other folks, that the […]
Proper Marathon Pacing: Nail Your Start to Manage Your Heart Rate

After months of training and countless miles, your race is here. Hundreds of hours of hard work all come down to one day and 26.2 miles. Yet after juggling workouts and recovery, managing your commitments, and making nuanced adjustments to your nutrition, the most common race strategy is practically no strategy at all.
Marathon Nation: How We Train
Courtesy MikeBaird on Flickr With the release of our recent blog post on Rethinking the Long Run, there have been a lot of questions about exactly how we structure our training to make sure that we actually do get fitter by training smarter. After all, pretty much anyone will agree with the desire to get […]