As you prepare for the week however, you have this pesky training plan with set goals and targets…and someone slapped a holiday in the middle of the week built around eating. And so your friends got together and thought a race would be a good idea as well. In an effort to make sure you […]
Tag Archives: Training Tips
How to Be an Eco-Friendly Marathoner
When it comes to eco-friendly exercise, outdoor running is about as low-environmental-impact as you can get. It doesn’t require much in the way of gear. You don’t have to drive to a field or other location in order to train. You can run in virtually any environment or weather conditions (except lightning storms). If you […]
Breakthrough Running: A Seasonal Roadmap for Success
As we head into the Fall running season, runners everywhere start activating with a focus on a key race. The renewed sense of purpose brings questions about their training, undoubtedly encouraged by the recent launch of our pace-based running training schedules.
Running with a Partner
Running With A Partner image source As solo an endeavor as running can be, there’s no doubt that having a companion to share your miles can help breathe the life back into your training. From sharing a few laughs to pushing your limits, the right running partner will help you grow as a runner. In […]
Top Five Treadmill Running Tips
When we think of treadmill running, most of us instinctively look down on it as a second-class form of running. But there are times that even the strongest opponent to the treadmill will line up and start pushing the buttons for a workout — could be weather, could be travel, could be anything…and here you […]
Night Running: How To Get & Stay Fit with Daylight Savings Time
photo credit: OiMax With the change in Daylight Savings complete, dedicated and newbie runners alike are having difficulty transitioning to running in the dark. Night running is a different animal for sure, but it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your running fitness or race goals. With the right preparation and focus, you can make […]
Ramping Up for Marathon Take-Off: How To Condense Your Training Plan & Still Get Ready
Whether you are coming back from injury or just realized you only have a few weeks left to race day, your problem is the same question I receive almost daily via email: How can I modify my training plan to get ready for my next marathon in a short time frame? Here are the official […]
Splitting the Marathon Long Run
The marathon is considered by many to be running’s ultimate test. But as anyone who as trained for a marathon can tell you, the real challenges happens long before race day or the dreaded “wall.” It’s the hard work you do in the weeks and months prior to your race that can make — or […]
Running When Hot: Three Simple Ways To Beat the Heat

Dealing with high temperatures and humidity on marathon race day is a critical success factor. If you can’t or don’t know how to beat the heat, your day could end prematurely and most likely your finishing time will fall far outside of your goal window. Here are three ways to make sure you avoid these […]
Speed and Specificity: How To Run A Faster Marathon

The minute you cross the marathon finish line, you are most likely consumed with a mixture of emotion and relief. You did it! After months of training, you put together a solid race and made it all the way to the marathon finish line. Even as you catch your breath, there’s one consistent and nagging […]